You are the CEO.


Every CEO needs a CEO (Creative Entrepreneur Outlet).
Who is in your master-mind circle?

How do you make connections?
What’s your style to execute plans?
What do you need to organize for success?

You are in control of everything now, whether you like it or not. In the beginning CEO could also hold the title CCBW (Chief Cook and Bottle Washer). The credentials of initial is endless if you certified for each job title you hold as the CEO.

Basically, it starts and ends with you, the CEO.

What hat will you wear today?

Which hats fits the best?

What hat are you willing to retire or delagate?

and which hat needs to be worn more often?

It’s a myth that we can do it all. It was shown that multitasking is a misnomer. We need to focus for success.

What are you focusing on today?